Testing Instructions:
- Register for Orientation
Before taking the math placement test, you should register for
orientation using Wolverine Access. If you require assistance with
orientation registration, please contact the
Office of New Student
- Read the FAQ
The placement testing FAQ answers many of
the questions you might have about the test, and some which you
may not have realized you had.
- Take the sample test
The sample test is a short example that shows you how
you'll interact with the placement testing system and how to enter
your answers in it. There is a link to the test below, but note
the information about the actual test before taking the
sample test.
Clear off your desk except for some scratch paper, and
arrange for enough uninterrupted time to take the test.
Turn off your cell phone, close any browser window you have open to
a social media site, etc., to ensure that you
aren't interrupted. Then take the test:
- The test will take about an hour (its time limit
is 50 minutes), and you must finish it once you've
- You must take the test before coming to campus
for orientation,
- You may not use a calculator, and
- You may not use books, other materials, the
Internet, or consult with anyone on the test.
Note: violating the testing policies forbidding calculators
and use of other materials is most likely to make it harder to
complete the test on time, and additionally may result in you
being placed incorrectly, to the detriment of your learning and
your GPA.
Testing Links
Note: to register and log in to both the sample and placement
tests, your login name is your uniqname and your password is
your Kerberos password. This is true for both the Sample
and Placement tests. If you're not sure what your uniqname
or password are, see the FAQ.
First take the
Click into the Sample Test only when you plan
to complete it. Starting it and leaving off will result in you
being unable to complete it.
Please Note Also: after you have completed the
Sample test, you will need to return to this page to follow the
link below for the Placement test.
Then take the
Please Note: the Grade Test button ends your
test. Only
click "Grade Test" when you have completed all pages of the
If you have questions about the placement test, please contact the
Office of New Student Programs, <onsp(at)umich(dot)edu
> or