Course Equivalency System

For information on course tranfer policies, please see the Department Transfer Credit Policies page.

Find An Institution

Use the autocomplete below to find the institution for which you are interested in course equivalencies. (Note abbreviations such as "UCLA" or "UC" will not be recognized.) If a course in which you are interested is not on that list, you can then submit a new evaluation request.
Note: the Math department does not accept transfer credit from secondary/high schools.

Need more search options to find your institutions?

To filter institutions by location options, follow the link below.

Advanced Search Options for Institutions

Can't Find Your Institution?

If you cannot find the institution you are looking for using the autocomplete or advanced search above, then there are currently no equivalencies for it.

If this is the case you may email the transfer credit evaluation committee to see if it is possible to add the institution to the University list. This process may take several weeks.

Committee e-mail: